失落的古文明 Teotihuacan, The Lost City of the Gods
失落的古文明 Teotihuacan, The Lost City of the Gods
墨西哥墨西哥城 Mexico City, Mexico
整個 Teotihuacan 以三座主要金字塔組成:Pyramid of Sun, Moon and Quetzalcoatl,並由一條長長嘅 Avenue of the Death 串連。呢個排列準確地呈現 Orion’s Belt 嘅三粒星型態同位置,同遠在埃及嘅 Giza pyramid complex 極其相似,令呢個古文明添上更神秘嘅色彩。
本地貨幣 Local Currency / 墨西哥披索 Mexican Peso (MXN)
最大面額紙幣 The highest currency note / MXN1,000 (~HKD443)
定價 Price / HKD200
( 限量10張・Limited edition of 10 )
Postcard will be sent worldwide via Standard Air Mail
( estimated delivery time:30 days )
Shipment cost is not included
明信片尺寸 Size of postcard/15 x 10cm
繪畫尺寸 Painted area/~2.4 x 2.4cm
繪畫媒介 Medium/acrylic and colour pencil on paper
明信片紙質 Paper/300gm