中西合璧 Cultural Exchange
中西合璧 Cultural Exchange
加拿大溫哥華唐人街 Vancouver Chinatown, Canada
為慶祝溫哥華華埠成立 125年,一幅巨型嘅「老子騎牛像」壁畫喺 2010 年誕生於唐人街,成為一大地標。但多次遭受塗鴉,成為叧類「中西藝術交流」嘅場地,被人宣洩不滿情緒。
To celebrate the 125th anniversary of Vancouver Chinatown, a big mural of Lao Tsu riding a cow was commissioned in 2010 and became a local landmark.
Since then it’s been covered with graffiti and became an alternative platform for “Chinese and Western cultural exchange”.
本地貨幣 Local Currency / 加拿大幣 Canadian Dollar (CAD)
最大面額紙幣 The highest currency note / CAD100 (~HKD595)
定價 Price / HKD200
( 限量10張・Limited edition of 10 )
Postcard will be sent worldwide via Standard Air Mail
( estimated delivery time: 30 days )
Shipment cost is not included
明信片尺寸 Size of postcard/15 x 10cm
繪畫尺寸 Painted area/~2.4 x 2.4cm
繪畫媒介 Medium/acrylic and colour pencil on paper
明信片紙質 Paper/300gm